Saturday, 28 September 2013


I've had numerous people that know we are adopting ask me if I will try to breastfeed.  I thought about this briefly when I was researching breastmilk banks.  I do feel that breastmilk is best for a baby, but the banks are a little concerning with the lack of screening.  They do health screens, but nothing for substance abuse.

I talked to a midwife that I've known for years and she says that it is possible to development breastmilk by pumping and drinking teas that she creates.  She said that it's hard to predict how your body will respond.  Some produce milk quickly and others never produce enough for a baby to solely rely on breastmilk.  Other ways to ensure that you create breastmilk is by talking my old friends progesterone and estrogen in combination with pumping.  The midwife did not suggest this.  She's always against anything artificial.  I have my issues with the hormones as well and feel like part of moving forward with adoption is putting the hormones behind me.  If it were up to me I would never take any medication ever again.  I even stopped the birth control that I hoped would bring my cycle back to normal.  I started feeling physical and emotional effects from it so I just stopped.

I am considering pumping, but I'm hesitant to do that because we don't know when we will get a baby. If I started pumping it could be as long as 6 months before I had a baby to feed.  I don't really know what to do really.  I'm very torn on the subject.  I feel guilt over it since I'm not that enthusiastic about trying to create breastmilk...

We could also try to find someone locally that could provide medical records and someone I would feel comfortable with to donate or sell breastmilk to us.

I'm not sure what to do.  What would you do if you were in my shoes?

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