Saturday, 28 September 2013

"After you adopt you'll get pregnant."

"After you adopt you'll get pregnant."
"After you adopt you'll get pregnant."
"After you adopt you'll get pregnant."
"After you adopt you'll get pregnant."
"After you adopt you'll get pregnant."

I've heard this so many times since we've announced that we're adopting and I'm past the stage of politely hearing it.  It's so unbelievably annoying for someone to say this.  We would love for all of them to be right, but it's highly unlikely.  And frankly if we don't get pregnant we will just adopt again.  We're celebrating an adoption....the baby on the way right now.  We are adopting a baby to start a family.  We're not adopting a baby in hopes that adoption holds the key to getting pregnant and having a biological child.  Ridiculous...  Had to vent...

On another note, I have so many IVF meds left over from all of our cycles.  I know that our old local clinic takes donations, but someone would have to pay me a lot of money for me to even step through the door of that place.

Any suggestions?  I've read that it's illegal to offer them for sale.  Has anyone posted them for free or donation on Craigslist?

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